7 housewarming party tips every new Charleston, SC homeowner needs to know - Crescent Homes Blog
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1. The More the Merrier

When it comes to inviting guests, don’t limit it to just your closest friends. Cast a wider social net and extend an invitation to nearby neighbors as well. It’s probably one of the best ways to introduce yourself to area without the added pressure of going door to door, like a salesman.

2. Set a Theme

Parties are always better, and much easier to plan and decorate, when you set a theme for it. Whether it’s beachside chic or something a little edgier, a theme makes the party far more memorable to those in attendance.

3. Make Party Favors

Group Of Friends Having Dinner Party At Home

Much like taking a centerpiece home from a wedding you’ve recently attended, momentos like party favors help guests keep you on their mind long after the last person is sent home for the night. This helps in the future when you need help with tasks like moving furniture or building a deck.

4. Provide the Refreshments

Hispanic outdoor garden party upstate

Telling your guests to bring their own food isn’t a party, it’s a potluck. No one wants the added tasks of having to either cook or buy food, and bring it to the house of someone they may not personally know. Providing the refreshments yourself also gives you ability to know what people may not like or are allergic to.

5. Create a Guestbook

Many people don’t take this into consideration when throwing a housewarming party, but having a guestbook by the door is an ingenious way to collect contact information from neighbors, in the event of any emergencies, last-minute baby requests or just to pass along a useful email you read about DIY home improvement tips.

6. Make a Playlist

Have a well-curated playlist on hand to break any potential silence that can, and will, occur in a setting like this, especially if there are people in the mix meeting for the first time. It also never hurts to get a few people moving their dancing feet in the midst of the party.

7. Write ‘Thank You’ Notes

The most cordial way to cap off a successful party is to personally thank the guests that helped make it all happen. Handwritten notes are unbelievably thoughtful, but traditional, so a personalized email will do just as well.

To learn more about how Crescent Homes can get you into the home of your dreams, so you can throw your own perfect housewarming party, contact us today at info@crescenthomes.net.
